We are very excited to announce that the City of Richmond is now planning to replace the play equipment in Solano Playlot this year! Drop by the Playlot for a few minutes on Saturday or Sunday during the times below (rain locations TBD), celebrate with us and give input on design options for the park and play equipment:
Saturday, 2/19: 1pm – 3pm
Sunday, 2/20: 10am – 1pm
Please take this important opportunity to give your input on the park’s basic design or equipment. We held a design workshop on Saturday, Feb 5 to get community input, which we are working to incorporate into the design. However, due to an accelerated time line required to make use of available funds, we likely will not have time to hold another workshop on improvements in this phase of the park’s development.
The city has prioritized these improvements to Solano Playlot this year in order to reduce liability exposure and increase play equipment safety. As a part of that, the city also will be looking into access routes and points of entry to ensure compliance with ADA accessibility and standards.
We are all so excited to see the park transformation continue. Please join this weekend and offer your input.
Additionally, next Saturday, Feb 26, we begin building our hill slide. Please come help us create an original, creative play feature for kids. The schedule for the hill build is below. Please join for all or part of any day. In addition to volunteers to help build the structure, we would also love volunteers to help with refreshments and other things. Email me if you can help at info@solanoplay.org.
Saturday, 2/26: 9am – 4pm
Sunday, 2/27: 9am – 12pm
Monday, 2/28: 9am – 12pm
Finally, don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual Spring Celebration/Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 17 in the afternoon.
See you in the park!
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